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Long case- 1601006099

This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identificatied health data shared after taking her signed informed consent. 

LONG CASE: 1601006099 

A 65 yr old female, resident of narketpally, a house wife, came to the hospital with Chief complaints of

- Fever with chills since 8 days. 
- Pain abdomen and loose stools since 6 days.


The patient was apparently asymptomatic 8 days back, then she developed

- Fever, which was sudden in onset, low grade, associated with chills and rigors and relieved on medication.

- Pain in abdomen 6 days ago, sudden in onset, continuous, cramping/dull aching type, involving all quadrants and aggravated with food intake.

- Associated with 2-3 episodes/day of vomiting which was non bilious, non projectile and watery in consistency.

- Multiple episodes of loose stools 6 days back, which was watery and in large volume, no tenesmus, no mucous or blood in stools.

- History of burning micturition since 4 days, no froth/blood.

- No hematemesis/malena.


- She is a known case of diabetes since 10years

- History of hypertension since 10years

- No history of Tuberculosis, asthma, epilepsy, thyroid disorders, CAD, stroke.


- Diabetes: Metformin 500mg

- Hypertension: Telmisartan 40mg


- Diet mixed. 

- Sleep disturbed due to frequent loose stools.

- Appetite decreased.

- Bowel movements- irregular 

- Bladder- urgency and incontinence

- No known allergies

- No alcohol 

- No smoking 


Not significant 


Patient is conscious, coherent and cooperative.

Well oriented to time place and person. Moderately built & Well nourished. 

- Pallor: present

- No Icterus, Koilonychia, Clubbing, Lymphadenopathy, Edema.


- Temperature: afebrile

- BP: 110/80 mm hg

- Pulse: 92 bpm

- Respiratory rate: 20 cycles/min

- SpO2 96%


Per Abdominal examination 


- Generalised distention/fullness is seen.

- Shape: distended 

- Flanks full

- Umbilicus inverted

- Movements with respiration: equal in all quadrants. Rises during inspiration and falls during expiration.

- No visible pulsations.

- Skin over abdomen: Multiple vertical stretch marks, horizontal scars.


- No local rise of temperature. 

- Tenderness: diffuse.

- Liver, Gall bladder, Spleen impalpable.


- Shifting dullness: not present

- Fluid thrill: not present


- Bowel sound heard

Other system examination


- S1 , S2 heard

- Apical impulse in 5th intercostal space lateral to mid clavicular line

- No murmurs

Respiratory system

- Bilateral air entry

- Normal vesicular breath sounds

- Bronchial breath sounds hear

- Trachea in the midline 


- Gait normal 

- Sensations normal 

- Cranial nerve normal

- Reflexes preserved


1. Stool examination & culture

2. Haemogram

3. Urine examination:
    Increased pus cells in urine

4. Urine Protein/Creatinine ratio

 5. Renal Function tests 

6. Fasting blood sugar

7. Glycated Haemoglobin 




Tramadol inj
Ondansetron inj 
Frusemide inj 
Cefixime Tab


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