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Fever with Thrombocytopenia- Dengue NS1 antigen+


This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This e-log book also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on comment box is welcome.


A 45 yr old female patient came to the opd with complaints of 
- Fever since 15 days
- Headache since 15 days 
- Body pains since 15 days
- Abdominal tightness since 15 days


Patient was apparently asymptomatic 15 days back, then she developed
fever: intermittent, high grade, associated with chills.
Headache: diffuse, dull aching type
c/o generalised body pains and abdominal tightness. 

She went to a local hospital where she was treated with antibiotics (inj. Monocef) for 3 days after which fever subsided for 2 days.

No h/o bleeding manifestations, vomitings, loose stools, pedal edema, chest pain, shortness of breath, cough, cold. 

Outside reports : Dengue NS1, IgM - reactive with thrombocytopenia 


Not a k/c/o diabetes, HTN, Asthma, TB, epilepsy, CAD, thyroid disorder 


Occupation: daily labourer 

Appetite- decreased 

Sleep- adequate 

Bowel and bladder movements- normal and regular 

Addictions- occasionally toddy


Not significant


No icterus, clubbing, lymphadenopathy, edema, pallor, cyanosis, kolionychia


BP- 120/90 mm Hg
PR- 60/min 
RR- BLAE present


no thrills no murmurs


Non distended
Diffuse tenderness absent 
Guarding and rigidity absent


Patient is Conscious 
Speech: normal
No signs of Meningeal irritation
Motor & sensory system: normal
Reflexes: present
Cranial nerves: intact



— Chest X ray

— Ultrasound 

— Hemogram 
    Day one:

Day two:

Day three:

— Dengue Rapid Test

— LFT 


— Serum Electrolytes 

— Serum Creatinine, Urea

— Random Blood Sugar

— RTPCR for Covid 

PROVISIONAL DIAGNOSIS: Fever with Thrombocytopenia. Dengue NS1, IgM +   



1) IVF- 1. NS, 1. RL, 1. DNS @ 75ml/Hr
2) Inj. OPTINEURON 1 amp in 100 ml NS/IV/OD
3) Tab. DOLO 650 mg/PO/TID
4) BP/PR/RR/Temp/SpO2 monitoring 4th hrly
5) I/O charting 
6) Plenty of oral fluids
7) W/F postural hypotension, Bleeding manifestations 


1) IVF- 1. NS, 1. RL @100ml/hr
            1. DNS with 1 amp of OPTINEURON @ 75ml/Hr
2) Tab. DOLO 650 mg/PO/TID
3) Inj. NEOMOL 100 ml/IV/SOS if temp > 101°F
4) Tab. PANTOP 40 mg/PO/OD
5) Inj. ZOFER 4 mg/IV/SOS
6) BP/PR monitoring 4th hrly
7) W/F postural hypotension, Bleeding manifestations 


1) IVF- 1. NS, 1. RL @100ml/hr
            1. DNS with 1 amp of OPTINEURON @ 75ml/Hr
2) Tab. DOLO 650 mg/PO/TID
3) Inj. NEOMOL 100 ml/IV/SOS if temp > 101°F
4) Tab. PANTOP 40 mg/PO/OD
5) Inj. ZOFER 4 mg/IV/SOS
6) BP/PR monitoring 4th hrly
7) W/F postural hypotension, Bleeding manifestations 


1) IVF- 1. NS, 1. RL @100ml/hr
            1. DNS with 1 amp of OPTINEURON @ 75ml/Hr
2) Tab. DOLO 650 mg/PO/TID
3) Inj. NEOMOL 100 ml/IV/SOS if temp > 101°F
4) Tab. PANTOP 40 mg/PO/OD
5) Inj. ZOFER 4 mg/IV/SOS
6) BP/PR monitoring 4th hrly
7) W/F postural hypotension, Bleeding manifestations 


35 yr old female came to the opd with c/o fever, headache, body pains, abdominal tightness since 15 days. The patient tested positive for dengue NS1 and was managed conservatively. With improvement in overall condition and resolution of above mentioned symptoms pt was discharged and advised for follow up after 1 week



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